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Why people choose our wedding venue in the Shenandoah Valley

We are Prepared

The success of every wedding is in the details. The best wedding planners are the ones who have a complete system for how they go about preparing for weddings, and that ensures that absolutely everything is perfect. Even when it isn’t. We have contingency plans for contingency plans already. You won’t be left out in the cold or rain. Ever!

We are Passionate

We love to celebrate, and we love to help you celebrate your family and friends. We get excited about what excites you!

We are Flexible

In an era of shrinking budgets and shorter lead times, wedding planners must be very agile of mind and be able to put things together fast as well as change course quickly. Every wedding is different and has unique needs. We understand that and are prepared to adjust as needed.

We are Calm

Wedding planning is not for those who are quick to freak out or panic. Clients, vendors, and attendees are all looking to us for guidance and to set the tone of the wedding. We can smile through adversity and stay calm while quickly fixing things to make the best wedding possible.

We can see your Vision

Vision, in wedding planning, includes being able to see how all the elements of a wedding come together. Long before the day of the wedding. And the key here is having a vision that delivers on what you want and expect.

We are Attentive

As a wedding planner, you have to not only track the details of a wedding but also be able to notice when things begin to change and then know how one change in one area affects stuff in other areas of the wedding. We can do all that and keep everything running smoothly without creating stress for you or your family and friends.

We Listen

Great wedding planners realize that the real purpose of a wedding is to achieve your goals and deliver the best experience to the people you invite. So, we listen to you and then help you make your dreams a reality.

It’s About You

A savvy wedding planner understands that the wedding isn’t about them, their needs, or their ego … it’s all about you and the people you invite and delivering the best experience to them. We stay out of the limelight so that you can shine the brightest at your wedding.

The Venue and Views are Beautiful

We have been blessed to live and celebrate our family and friends on our beautiful farm since 1828. We want to share that with you so that you too can celebrate your family and friends in a beautiful place. Don’t miss out on the incredible views, the valley luxury, and our southern hospitality.

We are Experienced

We have 30 years of experience in planning weddings, seminars, conferences, retreats, meetings, etc. You can trust that we know what we are doing.

We are Staffed

We have a staff that is here to help you when you need it. From planning your wedding to all the heavy lifting the day of your wedding, we are here to help you. We make sure that you get to enjoy your celebration!

We are Licensed and Insured

Not all venues are licensed and insured! We are one of the few licensed and insured special events venues in Rockingham County. That means that everything we do and all our facilities are up to code, handicap accessible and ADA compliant. You can be sure that you and your guests will be safe and secure while you are celebrating with us. And you can also be assured that we will still be open on your wedding day.