1. Fill the roof, backyard, or bedroom with fairy lights + candles for a romantic surprise.
  2. Set up an indoor picnic dinner and light the fireplace.
  3. Fill the room to the brim with their favorite flowers and candles.
  4. Fill a smaller room with balloons so they’ll wade through to find you on one knee!
  5. Have family and friends on stand-by to ring the doorbell for a surprise party after you propose.
  6. Set up a backyard outdoor movie, play your favorite movie, and propose during or after the movie!
  7. Order in sushi (or your favorite meal) — add champagne and flowers!
  8. “Ask” with glow-in-the-dark stickers over the bed.
  9. Write it on the bathroom mirror.
  10. Prepare breakfast in bed and bring your partner coffee in a mug that says “Marry me?”